Reimbursement News

Hospitals Closed 2019 with An Uptick in Volume, Patient Revenue


Hospitals nationwide ended 2019 with an increase in hospital profitability, with increases in both net patient revenue and service volumes, according to a recent Kaufman Hall report. According to...

CO Healthcare Costs Keep Climbing Due to Hospital Cost-Shifting


Hospital cost-shifting is behind rising healthcare costs in Colorado, according to a new report from the state’s Department of Health Care Policy & Financing. The report found that, despite...

Medicare Overpaid Surgeons by $2.6B for Postoperative Care


Medicare overpaid surgeons by $2.6 billion for postoperative care even though only four percent of minor surgical procedures resulted in postoperative care, according to a recent study from RAND...

Prior Authorization Costs Rise as Electronic Adoption Remains Low


Prior authorization costs accounted for just two percent of overall medical industry spending on administrative transactions in 2019, but the process was the most costly, time-consuming transaction for...

American College of Physicians Endorses Single-Payer System


The second-largest physician group in the US recently recommended the implementation of a single-payer system or public option to achieve universal coverage. According to a policy plan released on...

MedPAC Recommends 3.3% Hospital Payment Boost, No Change for Docs


The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) voted unanimously last week to recommend higher hospital payment rates to Congress later this year. The group tasked with advising Congress on issuing...

Out-of-Network Billing for Hospital Care Boosts Spending by $40B


Patients receiving care at in-network hospitals face a significant risk of out-of-network billing for services performed by hospital-based anesthesiologists, pathologists, radiologists, and assistant...

Providers Ready for AI Clinical Documentation Improvement Tools


Forty-four percent of healthcare organizations already use artificial intelligence (AI) in one form or another, and more hospitals are looking to apply the technology to coding and clinical...

Federal Hospital Reimbursement to Take $252B Hit by 2029


Twelve legislative acts, as well as regulatory changes from CMS, are estimated to reduce federal hospital reimbursement by $252.6 billion by 2029, a new report from the health economics consulting firm...

Prior Authorizations, Quality Payment Program Burden Practices


A vast majority of medical group practices experienced growing regulatory burden in the last year, with prior authorizations and Medicare’s Quality Payment Program topping their list of the most...

Hospitals Retain 91% of Profit from Physician-Administered Drugs


Physician practices and hospital outpatient clinics treat a similar number of commercially insured patients needing physician-administered drugs, but hospitals receive a larger share of the gross...

6 Challenges of End-to-End Automation for Prior Authorizations


Only 12 percent of the 182 million medical sector prior authorization transactions were fully electronic in 2018, making prior authorizations one of the most manual transactions compared to other...

How Advocate Aurora Health Streamlined Prior Authorizations


Prior authorizations used to be one of the greatest pain points for providers at Advocate Aurora Health. While most physicians recently surveyed by the American Medical Association (AMA) said they...